tiada kata yang lebih manis selain terima kasih kepada Permata. if i'm not mistaken it stands for "Pesatuan Mahasiswa Anak Terengganu" . correct me if i'm wrong..hehe..
u guys made my tummy like a bowling ball last night. haha. the food was awesomeness.
banyakss sangatss. from mee goreng to meehun to bbq chicken to meat steak to nuggets to hotdogs to french fries to samosa to kuih tako to cocktail and finally to drink!!! all were arranged in 1 row!! oh erma (saje mention nama kau. tau mesti air liur kau meleleh skang.hehe), and i put it all in 1 big plate. bahahaha..*gelak smbil tepuk perut*
giler r!
pastu pastu, its ice cream time.weeeeee!!! everyone can have it as much as they want.and boleh pilih perisa apa yg kau nak! mmg terbaek la.
on behalf of my silat's collegue, i would like to say a big thankful to Permata and the food was terbaekkk!! =D next time kalu ada event ajak la kami lagi ea =B
*balik bilik terus baring n belai2 perut. perghhh!
aiskim kak ude senanyer ni (pinjam)..i punya dh finish daa..=)
makan macam2 jenis...
nnt yug keluar 1 jenis je...
eeeeeeeeeeeeee..... !
hahaha apa la bobo niii..geliii
kata diet dik..pinggann penuh tu..mcm mana..mmg terbaikkkk
haha..mkn free ma...must grab da BIG opportunity. esok diet la..=)
haha..mkn free ma...must grab da BIG opportunity. esok diet la..=)
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